February 8, 2025

Velocettes - Always in the picture....

Welcome to the Velocette Owners' Club of Australia, home of Velocette motorcycle enthusiasts throughout Australia, preserving, restoring, using and celebrating their motorcycles as the maker intended..

Here’s an interesting little video on plasma cutting the Velocette logo.

Steve Richter convinced a workmate to cut out something worthwhile on his Plasma Cutter. He downloaded the logo from his phone, sent it to his computer, then cut out the design.  He also cut a fire-box for me, will send photo’s when assembled, mine is a prototype, the next ones can be fine tuned for a better finish.

Contact details: email is david@plasma-art.com.au
Plasma Art, Dave Wynes 0433 316 662.
www.members.iinet.net.au/~adprint/Plasma/Plasma cutting Video.MOV